Monday, September 22, 2014

Film Review -- Begin Again

Written and directed by John Carney, this musical comedy stars Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightley, Adam Levine, Hailee Steinfeld, and Catherine Keener. Dan Mulligan (Ruffalo) is down on his luck, both professionally and personally. Once a hugely successful music producer, he hasn't been able to recruit any new and exciting talent in quite awhile, largely due to his troubles at home --he is separated from his wife, Miriam (Keener), who left him for a doomed affair, and his relationship with his daughter, Violet (Steinfeld) is strained. One night, drunk and miserable, he hears Gretta (Knightley) sing at a rock club. Immediately recognizing her potential as a singer-songwriter (and seeing her as his potential ticket back into his label), he attempts to convince her to sign with him. She, however, has complications of her own, particularly in the form of lingering feelings for her cheating ex, Dave (Levine). As Dan and Greta set out to make their record - outdoors, in different parts of New York City - they both end up finding themselves along the way. It isn't surprising that this film is the work of Carney, the same man behind Once, one of the best musical films I've ever seen. This "American" version is more lighthearted, but really, really enjoyable. Knightley and Ruffalo are perfectly cast (and even Levine works), the script is funny and poignant and, best of all, the film steers clear of many tired rom-com clichés. And the music, to boot, is pretty great (my favorites - "Lost Stars" and "A Higher Place"). There are many reasons to go see this feel-good, touching film. 

Should you see it: Yes
Grade: A-