Saturday, July 18, 2015

Film Review -- Spy

Written and directed by Paul Feig, this comedy stars Melissa McCarthy, Jude Law, Rose Byrne, and Jason Statham. Susan Cooper (McCarthy) is a lowly CIA agent working behind the scenes as the eyes and ears of Agent Bradley Fine (Law), the quintessential James Bond-esque spy. When the CIA's next target, Rayna Boyanov (Byrne), reveals that she knows the identities of all of the CIA's top agents, Susan finally gets her chance to go on a field mission in order to stop Rayna from selling a nuclear weapon that would be used to detonate New York City. Of course, mishaps and hilarities ensue. Paul Feig, the mastermind behind Bridesmaids and The Heat, delivers his third Melissa McCarthy-led comedy, and I'd say this one is perhaps the superior of the three. The film was very consistent with its comedy, and I laughed out loud constantly throughout the film. Although the plot is obviously silly and far-reaching, there were many enjoyable parts. The actors worked very well in their roles, especially Jason Statham and his character, a caricature of an overly macho, egotistical agent. Keeping in mind that the film isn't meant to be anything other than a lightweight crowd-pleaser, Spy is an above-average, thoroughly entertaining comedy.

Should you see it: Yes
Grade: B+